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PNG LNG restarts LNG production ahead of schedule

Santos has been advised by ExxonMobil, the PNG LNG operator, that production of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has safely resumed following a temporary shutdown of operations after the severe earthquake in the region on 26 February. LNG exports are expected to resume soon. Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said, “The safe…

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018

Santos has today released its Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018.
The Santos AGM will be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on Thursday, 3 May 2018 commencing at 10:00am ACST.

PNG LNG Update – 5 March 2018

Santos has been advised by the PNG LNG operator that following the earthquakes in the Southern Highlands and Hela Provinces during the week of 26 February 2018, preliminary assessments of damage to PNG LNG facilities indicate it may take approximately eight weeks to complete repairs and restore production. Santos has a 13.5% interest in PNG…

Santos donates US$200,000 to PNG earthquake disaster recovery effort

Santos will donate US$200,000 to aid agencies in PNG to help get urgently-needed food, water and medical supplies to more than 30,000 people isolated in small villages in the PNG Southern Highlands and Hela Provinces following last Monday’s earthquake. Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Mr Kevin Gallagher said, “Santos is deeply saddened by…

PNG earthquake update

Santos today advises that gas production at the PNG LNG Hides plant and the Kutubu gas facilities has been safely shut down as a precautionary measure following a major earthquake and a series of aftershocks in the Papua New Guinea highlands. The company has been advised by PNG LNG operator ExxonMobil PNG that no staff…

Santos 2017 Full-Year Results

New strategy delivers 433% increase in underlying profit to US$336 million Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said the company’s full-year results demonstrated a significant turnaround in business performance ahead of plan. “We have removed substantial costs, reported a material increase in underlying profit, generated significant free cash flow and reduced net…

2018 Climate Change Report

Santos has today released its inaugural Climate Change Report, consistent with the G20 Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure guidelines. See link below.

2017 Fourth Quarter Activities Report

Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said: “In 2017, our turnaround strategy to deliver a low-cost, reliable and high performance business progressed ahead of expectations. Santos is now a stronger, more resilient company with the capacity to execute and bring on-line growth opportunities across its core long-life natural gas assets. “In 2017,…

Santos and Oil Search partner to improve Hela Hospital Infrastructure

Accident and emergency health services at the Hela Provincial Hospital have been boosted with US$1M funding from Santos Limited and US$700,000 from Oil Search Foundation provided to the Hela Provincial Health Authority (PHA). A ground breaking ceremony was held in Tari to mark the construction of a high priority Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department for…

Response to Media Report

In response to media speculation today, Santos confirms that it is not currently engaged in discussions with, and has not received a current proposal from, Harbour Energy regarding a change of control transaction for Santos. On 14 August 2017 Santos received a confidential, non-binding conditional and indicative proposal from Harbour Energy to acquire all the…

2017 Investor Day Presentation

Santos today outlined how its new strategy had transformed the company into a business that generates significant free cash flow in the current oil price environment. Speaking at the company’s Investor Day in Sydney, Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said the excellent progress on the Transform-Build-Grow strategy presented to the market…

Keith Spence to succeed Peter Coates as Santos Chairman

Santos today announced that Keith Spence will succeed Peter Coates AO as Chairman in February 2018, at which point Mr Coates will retire from the Board. Mr Coates announced his intention to step down from the Board pending the recruitment of his successor at the Company’s AGM in May this year. Mr Spence will join…

2017 Third Quarter Activities Report

Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said: “The company’s third quarter results continue to highlight the value of our disciplined operating model in delivering a low-cost, reliable and high performance business that can generate significant free cash flow in the current oil price environment.” “Compared to the end of 2016, our net…

Retirement of non-executive director

Santos today announced non-executive director Roy Franklin OBE will retire from the Board effective 30 September 2017.
Mr Franklin has recently been appointed Chairman of Premier Oil plc in the United Kingdom.
Santos Chairman Peter Coates AO thanked Mr Franklin for his 11 years of dedicated service to the Santos Board and shareholders.

Santos successfully prices US$800 million 10-year Reg-S bond offering

Santos today announced that it has priced a US$800 million senior unsecured fixed rate bond transaction in the US Dollar Regulation S market. The bonds will be issued by Santos Finance Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Santos Limited, off the Company’s Euro Medium Term Note Programme (EMTN Programme), dated 30 August 2017. The bonds…

Santos facilitates delivery of gas into southern domestic market

Santos today announced it had signed a location swap agreement facilitating the delivery of at least 18 PJ of gas per annum into the southern domestic market. Under the three year agreement (with an option to extend for a further year), which takes effect in January 2018, Santos will take delivery of gas at Wallumbilla.…

Retirement of non-executive director

Santos today announced non-executive director Greg Martin has retired from the Board for personal reasons. Mr Martin said he had decided now is an appropriate time to re-assess his board responsibilities, which included the Santos Board and his executive responsibilities at Prostar Capital. “It has been a great privilege to serve on the Board of…

2017 Half Year Results Announcement

Underlying profit increased to US$156 million. Net loss of US$506 million, including previously announced US$689 million after-tax net impairment Strong delivery of the Santos turnaround. Costs reduced, sales volume guidance upgraded, stronger cash flows, free cash flow breakeven reduced to US$33 per barrel and net debt reduced to US$2.9 billion Managing Director and Chief Executive…

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