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2007 First-Half Results Announcement

Financial Highlights Production of 30.1 mmboe, a record for the company Sales revenue of $1,215 million, impacted by the higher Australian dollar EBITDAX of $964 million Underlying net profit after tax of $305 million Reported net profit after tax of $262 million Interim dividend of 20 cents per share Santos today reported underlying net profit…

2007 Second Quarter Activities Report

Record second quarter production Santos today announced record second quarter production of 15.6 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) for the period to 30 June 2007, an increase of 4.7% over the previous corresponding period and 7.6% higher than the first quarter of 2007. Production for the opening six months of 2007 increased to 30.1…

Santos sells its United States interests

Media enquiries Investor enquiriesKathryn Mitchell Andrew Seaton+61 8 8116 5260 / +61 (0) 407 979 982 +61 8 8116 5157 / +61 (0) 410 431 Santos notes the release made by Gulf Petroleum Ltd in relation to the sale of Santos’ US assets. Santos has entered into agreements to sell its exploration and…

Santos appoints new executive vice president

Media enquiries Investor enquiriesKathryn Mitchell Brooke Pedersen+61 8116 5260 / +61 (0) 407 979 982 +61 8 8116 7227 / +61 (0)400 251 Mr David Knox will join Santos to take up the newly created executive position as Executive Vice President, Growth Businesses. Mr Knox, 49, has extensive global experience in the petroleum…

Santos successfully completes off-market buy-back

Santos today announced the successful completion of its off-market share buy-back of $300 million. The outcomes of the buy-back are as follows: Size $300 million Market Price1 $14.1349 Buy-back discount 14% Buy-back price $12.16 Capital component $2.79 Fully franked dividend component $9.37 Tax value $13.22 Shares bought back 24.7 million Percentage of issued ordinary capital…

2007 Market Price for Santos off-market buy-back

The Market Price for Santos’ off-market share buy-back (as defined in the Buy-Back booklet) is $14.1349. On this basis, the tender discounts are equivalent to the following tender prices (rounded to the nearest cent): Tender discount Tender price 14% $12.16 13% $12.30 12% $12.44 11% $12.58 10% $12.72 9% $12.86 8% $13.00 The results of…

2007 Off-market buy-back adjustment to Tax Value

Santos today announced that following discussions with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), it has varied the methodology for calculating the Tax Value for the purpose of its off-market share buy back. The Tax Value is relevant to Australian resident shareholders participating in the buy-back as it impacts the deemed disposal price for Australian tax purposes…

Santos lodges submission to shareholding cap review

Media enquiries Investor enquiriesChristian Bennett Andrew Seaton+61 8 8116 5155 / +61 (0) 400 686 106 +61 8 8116 5157 / +61 (0) 410 431 Santos has today lodged its formal submission in response to the South Australian Government’s review of the Santos (Regulation of Shareholdings) Act 1989 which was announced on 1…

Santos wins back-to-back gold reporting awards

Santos has been recognised for its high standards of corporate reporting by winning its second Gold Award at the 57th Australasian Reporting Awards. The award recognises the quality of information provided in Santos’ 2006 Annual Report and the level of disclosure about the company’s performance and outlook. To win the Gold Award, Santos had to…

2007 Off market buy-back

Santos today announced an off-market buy-back tender for approximately $300 million of ordinary shares. “This initiative reflects our solid balance sheet and cashflow position, combined with the Board’s view that the Company’s shares are being undervalued by the market” said Santos’ Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr John Ellice Flint. “Directors considered a number…

2007 Santos AGM Addresses

The Chairman and Managing Director’s Addresses to the 2007 Annual General Meeting held in Adelaide today is attached in the file below.

South Australian Government review of 15% shareholding cap

Santos welcomes today’s decision by the Premier of South Australia, the Honourable Mike Rann MP, to initiate a review of the 15% shareholding restriction that has been in place since 1979. This review is in response to a request made by Santos to the South Australian Government. The outcome of the review is expected to…

2007 First Quarter Activities Report

2007 first quarter production up by 5% Santos today announced a 5% increase in first quarter production to 14.5 million barrels of oil equivalent, reflecting the start-up of a number of new projects during the past year. This record first quarter production was achieved due to new production from the Bayu-Undan LNG, Maleo gas and…

Santos wins prestigious environment award

Santos has won the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association’s Environment Award for research on the interaction between whales and seismic activity. The award recognises the partnership between Santos and Deakin University which has provided a valuable insight into blue whale movements off south-eastern Australia and presented new research on how exploration and whales can…

Commencement of PNG LNG pre-FEED study

Media enquiries Investor enquiriesChristian Bennett Andrew Seaton+61 8 8116 5155 / +61 (0) 400 686 106 +61 8 8116 5157 / +61 (0) 410 431 Santos today announced that it has entered into an agreement with ExxonMobil, Oil Search and Nippon Oil to jointly progress a detailed pre-FEED study of a standalone LNG…

2007 Santos’ Managing Director remuneration arrangements

Santos today provided an update to the remuneration arrangements put in place for the Company’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr John Ellice-Flint. These arrangements were previously outlined in an ASX release on 17 March 2006, and in the 2006 Remuneration Report. Santos’ Board has now completed a further review of Mr Ellice-Flint’s remuneration…

2006 Full Year Results Announcement

Santos underlying net profit a record $683 million, up 7% Financial highlights Underlying net profit after tax up 7% to record $683 million Reported net profit after tax $643 million, 16% lower than 2005, impacted by impairment adjustments and one-off expenses EBITDAX up 17% to record $2.1 billion Sales revenue up 12% to record $2.8…

Santos appoints international banker to Board

Media enquiries Investor enquiriesKathryn Mitchell Andrew Seaton+61 8 8218 5260 / +61 (0) 407 979 982 +61 8 8218 5157 / +61 (0) 410 431 Santos today announced the appointment of Mr Kenneth Borda to its Board of Directors, effective 14 February 2007. Mr Borda, 54, has extensive international business experience and is…

Santos appoints new General Counsel and Company Secretary

Media enquiries Investor enquiriesKathryn Mitchell Andrew Seaton+61 8 8218 5260 / +61 (0) 407 979 982 +61 8 8218 5157 / +61 (0) 410 431 Mr James Baulderstone has joined Santos to take up the position of General Counsel and Company Secretary. Mr Baulderstone, 40, is a lawyer with extensive global legal and…

2007 Annual General Meeting Notice of Meeting

Santos Limited advises that the Company’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the Festival Theatre at the Adelaide Festival Centre, King William Road, Adelaide, South Australia on Tuesday 1 May 2007 at 10.00 am.

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