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2009 First Quarter Activities Report

Quarterly production summary March 2009 quarter production of 13.2 mmboe was 4% lower than the March 2008 quarter, primarily due to the sale of 40% of GLNG® to PETRONAS effective August 2008 combined with natural field decline. Oil production was 2% higher than the corresponding period, mainly due to better performance from assets in Western…

Santos supports Earth Hour – gas supports a cleaner Australia

Media enquiriesMatthew Doman+61 8 8116 5260 / +61 (0) 421 888 858 Santos will again join communities, business and governments in switching off the lights for one hour at 8.30pm tomorrow in support of the World Wildlife Foundation’s Earth Hour initiative to raise awareness on climate change. Santos Chief Executive Officer David Knox congratulated…

2008 Full Year Results Annoucement

Underlying profit up 42% to $572 million for 2008 PETRONAS partnership leads to record $1.7 billion net profit Good progress on LNG growth strategy Strong balance sheet: $1.6 billion of cash and 10% gearing Santos today announced a strong uplift in underlying net profit of 42% to $572 million after tax for the year ended…

Santos supports Victorian bushfires fund

Media enquiriesMatthew Doman+61 8 8116 5260 / +61 (0) 421 888
Santos Chief Executive Officer David Knox, on behalf of all Santos employees, today offered condolences to the families of the victims of the Victorian bushfires.
Santos will donate $500,000 to the 2009 Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund.

2008 Santos Reserves Report

Santos today announced an increase in its year-end proved and probable (2P) oil and gas reserves of 134 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe), taking the company’s total proved and probable reserves past the 1 billion barrel mark. This significant increase in 2008 was driven by a substantial boost in Santos’ coal seam gas reserves…

2008 Fourth Quarter Activites Report

Production in line with 2008 guidance 2008 production of 54.4 mmboe was within the Company’s guidance range. December quarter production of 13.6 mmboe improved by 3% compared to the September quarter following the reinstatement of production from John Brookes in September. 2008 Cooper Oil production increased by 19% compared to the previous year, even though…

Appointment of Deputy Chairman

The Board of Santos Limited is pleased to advise that Peter Coates has been appointed Deputy Chairman of the Company. Santos’ Chairman, Stephen Gerlach, said the appointment of Mr Coates to this role was part of the Company’s Board renewal process. “Mr Coates has brought a wealth of international corporate and commercial experience to the…

Santos Brantas to transfer interest in Brantas PSC

Santos Brantas Pty Ltd has agreed to transfer its 18% minority interest in the Brantas Production Sharing Contract (Brantas PSC) in Indonesia to Minarak Labuan Co (L) Ltd (Minarak), a company associated with the operator and majority owner of the project, Lapindo Brantas Inc (Lapindo). The transfer has been approved by BPMIGAS, the relevant regulatory…

Santos interest in Brantas PSC

Santos notes media speculation in relation to its 18% interest in the Brantas Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia. Santos can confirm that discussions are underway with the operator, Lapindo Brantas Inc, regarding a practical and appropriate resolution of Santos’ involvement in the PSC as a minority participant with no operating or controlling rights. These discussions…

Santos appoints Executive Vice President Technical

Santos today announced the appointment of Ray Betros to the newly created position of Executive Vice President Technical. In his new role, which reports directly to Santos Chief Executive Officer David Knox, Mr Betros will be responsible for driving technical excellence and performance throughout Santos. Mr Betros will commence with Santos in early January. Mr…

2008 Third Quarter Activities Report

Production reinstated at John Brookes September quarter production of 13.2 mmboe was 5% lower than the June quarter of 2008. Following the Varanus Island incident in June, initial production from John Brookes. Recommenced in early August with full production reinstated by early September. Cooper Oil production up 33% compared to the September quarter of 2007.…

2008 Off-market buy-back successfully completed

Santos today announced the successful completion of its off-market share buy-back of $300 million. The outcomes of the buy-back are as follows: Size $300 million Market Price $18.8724 Buy-back discount 14% Buy-back price $16.23 Capital component $2.98 Fully franked dividend component $13.25 Tax Value $16.42 Shares bought back 18.5 million Percentage of issued ordinary capital…

2008 Clarification regarding off-market buy-back Tax Value

Santos announced earlier today the successful completion of its off-market share buy-back of $300 million. The Tax Value of $16.42 was calculated as $17.14, adjusted for the movement in the Oil & Gas Exploration & Production subset of the S&P/ASX 200 Index (not the S&P/ASX 200 Energy Index as previously announced) from the open of…

2008 Market Price for Santos’ off-market buy-back

The Market Price for Santos’ off-market share buy-back (as defined in the Buy-Back booklet) is $18.8724. On this basis, the tender discounts are equivalent to the following tender prices (rounded to the nearest cent): Tender discount Tender price 14% $16.23 13% $16.42 12% $16.61 11% $16.80 10% $16.99 9% $17.17 8% $17.36 Santos also advises…

2008 Off-market buy-back implied Tax Value

Santos advised earlier today that it had varied the index used to calculate the Tax Value for the purpose of its off-market buy-back (‘Buy-Back’) to the Oil & Gas Exploration & Production industry subset of the S&P/ASX 200 Index (‘Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Index’). Based on the Oil & Gas Production & Exploration…

2008 Off-market buy-back adjustment to Tax Value

Santos this morning announced that it was in discussions with the Australian Taxation Office (‘ATO’) to vary the methodology for calculating the Tax Value for the purpose of its off-market share buy-back (‘Buy-Back’). The Tax Value is relevant to Australian resident shareholders participating in the Buy-Back as it impacts the deemed disposal price for Australian…

2008 Potential adjustment to Tax Value for off-market buy-back

Santos today announced that it is currently in discussions with the Australian Taxation Office (‘ATO’) to vary the methodology for calculating the Tax Value for the purpose of its off-market share buy-back (‘Buy-Back’). Since the announcement of the Buy-Back, Santos shares have significantly outperformed the S&P/ASX 200 Energy Index, which is currently the adjusting index…

FUELS Dividend Rate

Santos today announced that the dividend rate for its Franked Unsecured Equity Listed Securities (FUELS) will be 6.0142% per annum for the dividend period from and including 30 September 2008 to 30 March 2009. After incorporating the value of expected franking credits, the grossed-up dividend rate equates to 8.5917% per annum for the dividend period.…

2008 Interim Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

On 21 August 2008 Santos announced that a fully franked interim dividend of twenty two cents per share would be paid on 30 September 2008 to shareholders on record as at 2 September 2008. It also announced that the DRP would be in operation for this dividend and DRP shares would be issued at the…

Share Buy-Back booklet

Pursuant to Listing Rule 3.17, I enclose a copy of the Buy-Back booklet and Buy-Back Tender Forms being forwarded to Santos Limited’s (‘Santos’) shareholders in connection with Santos’ current off-market share buy-back scheme.
James Baulderstone
Company Secretary

2008 Santos announces capital management strategy

Santos today announced a capital management strategy comprising the following key initiatives: an off-market share buy-back tender of approximately $300 million; a 10% increase in the interim dividend to 22 cents per share; and the repayment of certain debt facilities. Santos has also announced that the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP) will be in operation for…

2008 Half Year Results Announcement

Highlights Product sales revenue up 14% to a first half record $1,384 million. EBITDAX up 6% to a first half record $1,032 million. Net profit after tax up 58% to $304 million. Underlying net profit after tax up 30% to $289 million. Operating cash flow up 30% to a first half record $699 million. Sale…

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