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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

Santos finds gas at Sangu-11

Santos announced today that Sangu-11 has penetrated a new gas reservoir in the Sangu area with approximately 20 metres of good quality gas pay. The well will be completed and tied into the Sangu facilities and will provide incremental gas to Chittagong in the coming months once marketing arrangements have been finalised. Work is continuing…

2011 Santos Reserves Report

Santos today announced that its total proved and probable (2P) hydrocarbon reserves were 1,364 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) at the end of 2011. Successful appraisal and commercialisation activity, and the sanctioning of the Fletcher Finucane project, added 82 mmboe of 2P reserves in 2011. The reserve additions represent an organic 2P reserves replacement…

2012 International Petroleum Technology Conference Presentation

Santos Vice President Technical & Engineering Diana Hoff today made a presentation to the International Petroleum Technology Conference (IPTC) in Bangkok. Diana discussed how the unconventional gas industry has developed, particularly comparing Australian coal seam gas and North American shale gas industries. Her presentation drew on examples from Santos’ extensive CSG interests in eastern Australia…

First gas from Wortel

Santos today announced that gas production has commenced from the Wortel project in Indonesia. Wortel was sanctioned in November 2010, and is located in the Sampang Production Sharing Contract (PSC), offshore East Java in Indonesia. The Wortel development includes two gas wells, an unmanned wellhead platform and a 10-kilometre gas pipeline to the existing Santos-operated…

PNG LNG project update

Santos has been advised by Esso Highlands Limited, an affiliate of ExxonMobil and operator of the PNG LNG project, that a landslide has occurred in the Hides area of the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The Papua New Guinean authorities are responding. A copy of the PNG LNG operator’s statement is attached to this…

Santos extends partnership with Santos Tour Down Under to 2016

Santos is pleased to announce that it has agreed to extend to 2016 its successful partnership with the multi-award winning Santos Tour Down Under, Australia’s biggest free sporting event. The Santos Tour Down Under has achieved tremendous success throughout its 14-year history and has grown significantly in the past few years. The 2011 event contributed…

2011 Fourth Quarter Activities Report

2011 sales revenue up 14%, higher oil production, projects delivered on plan 2011 production of 47.2 mmboe was within the company’s guidance range and 5% lower than 2010, primarily due to the sell-down of Santos’ interest in GLNG from 60% to 30%. Sales revenue of $2.5 billion was 14% higher than 2010. Sales revenue of…

Santos secures US $1.2 billion in ECA debt facilities

Santos today announced it has secured US$1.2 billion in Export Credit Agency (ECA) supported corporate senior debt facilities. The new ECA facilities provide Santos with additional liquidity with flexible drawdown dates during the construction period of the GLNG project. Santos Chief Financial Officer Andrew Seaton said the ECA facilities were part of Santos’ funding strategy…

PNG LNG project update

Santos has been advised by Exxon Mobil, operator of the PNG LNG project, that due to the stronger Australian dollar the estimated capital cost of the project has increased by US$0.7 billion to US$15.7 billion. Santos’ 13.5% share of the increased capital cost is approximately US$100 million. Santos is well positioned to manage the impact…

Address by David Knox to Australian Institute of Company Directors

Santos CEO David Knox today addressed the Australian Institute of Company Directors in Brisbane. David spoke about the impact of Asian energy demand on the global LNG business, the role Queensland CSG can play in meeting that demand, the opportunities the industry will present and the challenges it faces in realising those opportunities. David also…

2011 Third Quarter Activities Report

Higher quarterly production and sales revenue Production of 12.7 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) in the September quarter was 7% higher than the second quarter of 2011 and 2% lower than the corresponding period in 2010. Cooper Basin gas and oil production increased as field conditions continue to improve following adverse weather earlier in…

First oil from Chim Sao in Vietnam

Santos today announced that oil production has commenced from the Chim Sáo project in Vietnam. Chim Sáo was sanctioned in 2009 and is located in the Nam Con Son Basin, offshore southern Vietnam, within Block 12W. Chim Sáo has been delivered on schedule and under the sanctioned budget. Oil production will commence from six wells…

2011 Interim Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

On 19 August 2011 Santos announced a fully franked interim dividend of fifteen cents per share would be paid on 30 September 2011 to shareholders on record as at 30 August 2011. It also announced that the DRP would be in operation for this dividend and DRP shares would be issued at the arithmetic average…

2011 Half Year Results Announcement

Santos lifts half year net profit by 155% to $504 million; Underlying net profit up 12% to $236 million Santos today announced a net profit of $504 million after tax for the half-year ended 30 June 2011, 155% higher than the previous first half. The 2011 headline result includes a $246 million profit after tax…

Appraisal drilling gets underway for Bonaparte LNG

Bonaparte LNG today announced that drilling had begun at the Petrel-7 appraisal well in NT/RL-1 in the Bonaparte Basin, in the Timor Sea. Results from the appraisal well, situated about 250 kilometres west of Darwin, will assist in the conceptual design and development of the proposed floating liquefaction project. Bonaparte LNG is a joint venture…

2011 Second Quarter Activities Report

Higher quarterly production as operations recover from wet weather Production of 11.9 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) in the June quarter was 8% higher than the first quarter of 2011 and in line with the corresponding period in 2010. Following adverse weather conditions in the first quarter, Cooper Basin production operations and well construction…

Australian Government’s Climate Change Plan

Santos supports action on climate change and acknowledges the Prime Minister’s announcement today of the Australian Government’s Climate Change Plan as a significant step. The introduction of any carbon pricing policy must be well designed, providing permits to trade exposed industries, such as LNG, to maintain Australia’s competitiveness. The Government has recognised this in deciding…

New scholarships add to Australia’s strength in resources and education exports

Australian energy company Santos, Korean energy company KOGAS, the Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy and the University College London (UCL) have signed an agreement to provide 18 graduate scholarships over six years, underscoring Australia’s resources and energy expertise and adding to our education exports. The agreement, worth $3 million, will deliver 18 scholarships for a…

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