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2014 First Quarter Activities Report

Strong progress on growth projects during the first quarter Santos today announced higher first quarter production and sales revenue, and strong progress on major projects. Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer David Knox said that the first quarter of 2014 saw the company build momentum for strong project delivery in the year ahead. “The…

2013 Annual reports and Notice of 2014 AGM

Santos has released its 2013 Shareholder Review, 2013 Annual Report, 2013 Sustainability Report and its Notice of Annual General Meeting 2014. The 2013 Shareholder Review and 2013 Annual Report detail Santos’ performance and results and outline the company’s outlook and strategy. The 2013 Sustainability Report provides information on Santos’ management approach and sustainability performance. The…

2014 APPEA Investor Presentation

Santos’ Vice President Eastern Australia, James Baulderstone delivered a presentation at the APPEA Conference in Perth today ‘Responsible Development of Australia’s Onshore Natural Gas Resources’.

2014 Santos AGM resolution

Resolution under section 249N of Corporations Act for consideration at AGM In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 3.17A, attached is a copy of a notice received under section 249N of the Corporations Act on 14 March 2014 from 161 shareholders representing approximately 0.0475% of the Company’s shares on issue requesting a resolution for consideration at…

Santos appoints Scott Sheffield to Board, Mike Harding to retire

Santos Chairman, Ken Borda, today announced the appointment of Scott D. Sheffield to the Santos Board as an independent non-executive director, effective 24 February 2014. Mr Sheffield is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pioneer Natural Resources Company, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and included in the S&P 500 Index. Mr…

2013 Full Year Results Announcement

Santos reports 2013 full-year net profit of $516 million Sales revenue up 12% to a record $3.6 billion EBITDAX up 7% to $1,992 million Net profit after tax $516 million, in line with the previous year Underlying profit after tax down 17% to $504 million Operating cash flow $1,628 million, in line with the previous…

2013 Santos Reserves Report

Santos today announced that proved plus probable (2P) petroleum reserves were 1,368 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe) as at the end of 2013. This represents an organic three-year 2P reserves replacement ratio of 102%* and provides a reserves life of 27 years based on 2013 production of 51 mmboe. While the company did not…

2013 Fourth Quarter Activities Report

Record sales revenue and strong progress on growth projects Santos today announced record sales revenue of $1.1 billion for the fourth quarter of 2013. The record result was driven by the company’s highest oil production in six years, strong oil prices and higher third party sales volumes. Total sales revenue for 2013 of $3.6 billion…

2013 Citi Conference Presentation

Santos Managing Director & CEO David Knox today addressed an event in Sydney on the importance of responsible operations within the Australian gas industry. The industry funds day was hosted by Citi and themed Who Votes Your Shares? Connecting Boards with Industry, Public Sector & Super Funds. In his presentation, Developing Australia’s gas resources responsibly,…

2013 Third Quarter Activities Report

Record quarterly sales revenue and strong progress on growth projects Santos today announced record sales revenue of over $1 billion for the third quarter of 2013. The record result was driven by the company’s highest oil production in six years, strong oil prices and higher third party sales volumes. Third quarter production of 13.4 million…

2013 SEAAOC Presentation

Santos Vice President WA&NT John Anderson today addressed SEAAOC (South East Asia Australia Offshore Conference) in Darwin, where he highlighted the importance of collaboration in achieving the next wave of Australia’s natural gas developments. Mr Anderson’s address, The LNG Opportunity for Australia, looked at the future for natural gas in the Asia Pacific region, the…

2013 Interim Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRP)

On 16 August 2013 Santos announced a fully franked interim dividend of fifteen cents per share would be paid on 30 September 2013 to shareholders on record as at 28 August 2013. It also announced that the DRP would be in operation for this dividend. DRP shares would be issued at the arithmetic average of…

Santos farms-in to exploration permits in Papua New Guinea

Santos today announced the execution of binding agreements to participate in two prospective exploration permits in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea. The agreements with Talisman provide for Santos to acquire 30% interests in permits PPL 261 and PPL 426. Terms of the agreements are confidential. Talisman will remain operator of the permits. In…

PNG LNG on track for first LNG delivery in the second half of 2014

Santos advises that Esso Highlands Limited, a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil Corporation and operator of the PNG LNG project, has confirmed that the project is more than 90% complete and on track for first LNG delivery in the second half of 2014. The operator has also confirmed that the estimated gross capital cost of the…

2013 Half Year Results Announcement

Santos reports 3% lift in first half profit to $271 million Santos today announced a first half net profit of $271 million after tax, 3% higher than the corresponding period. The headline result reflects record sales revenue driven by higher crude oil sales volumes and gas prices, impairment reversals and lower production costs, partially offset…

2013 Second Quarter Activities Report

Growth projects on track; record first half sales revenue Santos today announced second quarter production of 12.4 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe), 2% higher than the first quarter of 2013. Gas production of 51.7 PJ (8.9 mmboe) was 6% lower than the corresponding period, with higher production from Darwin LNG offset by lower production…

Raising of LNG tank roof marks milestone on Santos GLNG project

A dome shaped LNG tank steel roof, weighing more than four Boeing 747s, has been raised almost 40 metres using little more than air, on Curtis Island today. This was a significant milestone for the Santos GLNG Project’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant, being built by downstream principal contractor Bechtel. Vice President GLNG Downstream Rod…

2013 Asia Oil & Gas Conference Presentation

Santos Vice President Asia Pacific Martyn Eames today addressed the Asia Oil & Gas Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Mr Eames spoke about the development of unconventional gas resources in the Asia Pacific region, outlining the ingredients necessary for success, progress being made in Australia, and Santos’ application of its own experience in Australia to assist…

2013 First Quarter Activities Report

Growth projects on track; first quarter production impacted by planned shutdowns Santos today announced first quarter production of 12.1 million barrels of oil equivalent (mmboe), 2% lower than the first quarter of 2012. Gas production of 52.8 PJ (9.1 mmboe) was in line with the corresponding period, with higher Otway Basin production offset by lower…

2012 Annual and Sustainability Reports; Notice of 2013 AGM

Santos has released its 2012 Annual and Sustainability Reports, and notice of its 2013 Annual General Meeting. The 2012 Annual Report details Santos’ performance and results for the 2012 calendar year, and outlines the company’s outlook and strategy. The 2012 Sustainability Report provides information on Santos’ management approach and sustainability performance for 2012 in the…

S&P’s change to hybrid equity credit

Santos notes today’s announcement from Standard & Poor’s (S&P) that Santos’ €1 billion hybrid issued in September 2010 will be reclassified as debt under revised S&P criteria. S&P previously classified the hybrid as equity. As a consequence, S&P has placed Santos’ BBB+ credit rating on CreditWatch with negative implications. Santos Chief Financial Officer Andrew Seaton…

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