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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

Reindeer 1

Santos Limited advises that the Reindeer 1 exploration well located in the northern part of WA-209-P in the Carnarvon Basin will be cased and suspended as a gas discovery. Electric logs indicate a gas column over the interval 2409m MD-2495mMD with approximately 65m of net pay in the sandstones of the Middle Jurassic Legendre Formation.…

Whanto 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the South West Queensland Unit, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the Queensland sector of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. This follows the successful Costa Central 1 gas exploration well located in South West Queensland which was announced yesterday. The exploration well, Whanto 1, flowed gas at 113,270 cubic…

Costa Central 1

COSTA CENTRAL 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the South West Queensland Unit, announces a successful gas exploration well in the Queensland sector of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Costa Central 1, flowed gas at 43,330 cubic metres per day (1.53 million cubic feet per day) with 24 kilolitres (148 barrels) of 53.3 API…

Gas Contract Authorisation Appeal Upheld

Gas Contract Authorisation Appeal Upheld Santos Ltd announces that the Australian Competition Tribunal (ACT) has, on appeal by the South Australian Cooper Basin Producers (Producers), ordered that the determination of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) revoking Authorisation No. A90424 be set aside. This decision relates to the long-term contract (Letter of Agreement) under…

Official Opening of Upgraded Ballera Gas Plant

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the South West Queensland Unit Producers, is pleased to announce the official opening today of the upgraded Ballera Gas Plant by the Premier of Queensland, the Honourable Rob Borbidge MLA. The opening marks the completion of the second phase of the Ballera development as part of the process of supplying…

Santos Reports Discovery at Eugene Island Block 335

In the Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale, Santos acquired a 20% Working Interest in nine (9) blocks with Murphy Exploration and Production Company (60%) as Operator, and Callon Petroleum Company (20%). The Eugene Island Block 335#1, operated by Murphy Exploration and Production Company, has been drilled to a total measured depth of 8,075 feet…

Moomba 87

MOOMBA 87 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Moomba Block Joint Venture Parties, announces the discovery of a new pool oil discovery in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The Moomba 87 Unit Gas Development well, which was drilled to increase gas deliverability from the Permian sediments, has penetrated an interpreted 12.2m (40)…

Nappamerri Trough

Santos Ltd today announced an initiative covering the low permeability gas discovered by Santos and its joint venturers in the Nappamerri Trough in the far north-east of South Australia. The area of the Nappamerri Trough is shown on the attached map and represents approximately 5% of Petroleum Exploration Licences Nos. 5 and 6. Santos Ltd…

East Spar Gas to Supply Proposed Cogeneration Project

East Spar Gas to Supply Proposed Cogeneration Project Santos today announced that the East Spar Joint Venture (ESJV) had reached agreement for the supply of gas to a proposed cogeneration facility in Western Australia, following the signing of a Heads of Agreement with an entity of Fletcher Challenge Energy and Western Power Corporation. The Heads…

East Spar Gas Contracts – New Agreements Reached

East Spar Gas Contracts – New Agreements Reached Santos today announced that the East Spar Joint Venture (ESJV) had contracted for the sale of additional gas volumes under two further agreements with Western Power and Plutonic Operations Limited. The ESJV will supply Western Power natural gas at the rate of approximately 10 terajoules per day,…

Macadama 3

  MACADAMA 3   Santos Ltd, as Operator for the South West Queensland Unit, announces a gas flow from Macadama 3, a gas exploration well in ATP 259P, Queensland. A gas flow of 56,650 cubic metres per day (2.0 million cubic feet per day) was recorded on an open hole drillstem test.   The DST…

Barrolka Field Complex: Barrolka North East 1

BARROLKA FIELD COMPLEX: BARROLKA NORTH EAST 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the South West Queensland Unit, announces a gas flow from Barrolka North East 1, a gas exploration well in ATP 259P, Queensland. A gas flow of 136,200 cubic metres per day (4.81 million cubic feet per day) was recorded on an open hole…

Approval for Pierce Oil Field Development

Approval for Pierce Oil Field Development Santos announced today that Enterprise Oil plc, as Operator, has received approval from the UK Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for the development of the Pierce oil field in the Central North Sea. First oil is planned in August 1998. Discovered in 1975, the field has proven and…

Two New Gas Field Discoveries

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Nappacoongee – Murteree Block, announces the discovery of two new gas fields in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The wildcat well, Milluna 1 flowed gas at 211,000 cubic metres (7.45 million cubic feet per day) from reservoir sands in the Early Permian Patchawarra Formation over the…

Barrolka Field Complex: Coolah 1

BARROLKA FIELD COMPLEX: COOLAH 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Southwest Queensland Unit, announces a gas flow from Coolah 1, a gas exploration well in ATP 259P, Queensland. A gas flow of 58,050 cubic metres per day (2.05 million cubic feet per day) was recorded on an open hole flow test. The flow test…

Dorodillo 1

DORODILLO 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Murta Block, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper / Eromanga Basins. This follows the successful Beeree 1 well in the Queensland section of the Cooper / Eromanga Basins announced last week. The exploration well, Dorodillo 1 flowed…

Beeree 1

BEEREE 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Southwest Queensland Unit, announces a gas flow from Beeree 1, an air drilled gas exploration well in ATP 259P, Queensland. A gas flow of 84,950 cubic metres per day (3.00 million cubic feet per day) was recorded on an open hole flow test. The flow test was…

Merrimelia 37

  MERRIMELIA 37   Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Merrimelia-Innamincka Block, announces a new pool gas discovery in the South Australian sector of the Cooper Basin.   Appraisal well Merrimelia 37 flowed gas at a rate of 216,062 metres per day (6.37 million cubic feet per day) with minor gas liquids from the Late…

Nephrite South 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Patchawarra Southwest Block, announces a new pool gas discovery in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Nephrite South 1 flowed gas at 105,500 cubic metres per day (3.725 million cubic feet per day) plus minor condensate, from reservoir sands in the Early Permian Patchawarra…

Thoar 2

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the South West Queensland Unit, announces a successful gas appraisal well in the Queensland sector of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The appraisal well, Thoar 2, flowed gas at 208,000 cubic metres per day (7.30 million cubic feet per day) with 8.1 kilolitres (51 barrels) of condensate per day from the Toolachee…

Indonesian Permit Awarded

INDONESIAN PERMIT AWARDED Santos today announced that it has been awarded a 61.111% interest in the Korinci-Baru Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in central Sumatra in Indonesia This interest complements the 61.111% interest which Santos already has in the adjoining Bentu PSC which contains gross gas reserves of approximately 200 billion cubic feet. The remaining 38.888%…

Goyder 2

GOYDER 2 Santos Ltd as Operator for the Nappacoongee-Murteree Block announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins with gas flows from two separate formations. The Goyder 2 exploration well located on the south eastern flank of the Allunga Trough, has flowed gas at 154,300 cubic…

Waivers From Listing Rules 5.4 and 5.5

On 5 December, 1996 Santos Ltd announced that the Australian Stock Exchange Ltd had granted waivers from Listing Rules 5.4 and 5.5 in respect of drilling and test results in relation to exploration wells outside Australian jurisdiction and in the Zone of Co-Operation between Australia and Indonesia on the conditions specified in that announcement, which…

Fenton Creek 1

FENTON CREEK 1 The Santos Group, as Operator for PEP 108 announces the discovery of a new gas field in the Victorian section of the Otway Basin. The exploration wildcat well Fenton Creek 1 flowed gas on drill stem test (DST 2) at 169,900 cubic metres per day (6.0 million cubic feet per day) accompanied…

Acquisition of East Spar Joint Venture Interests and 1 for 8 Rights Issue

Acquisition of East Spar Joint Venture Interests and 1 for 8 Rights Issue Santos today announced that it has entered into sale and purchase agreements with WMC Resources Limited to acquire its: 30% joint venture interest in the production licence WA-13-L, which contains the East Spar field, 30% joint venture interest in the adjoining exploration…

Santos Likely to Increase Gulf of Mexico Position

Santos USA Corporation announced today that it is well placed to expand its interests by up to 9 exploration blocks in the Central Gulf of Mexico. This follows bidding in the US Offshore Continental Shelf Lease Sale No. 166 which was conducted by the US Federal Government on 5 March 1997 in which Santos USA…

Botany Cogeneration Project

BOTANY COGENERATION PROJECT Santos has been advised by ALISE that the Botany Cogeneration Project may now proceed in two stages with the timing of the second stage dependent on satisfactory evolution of conditions in the electricity market. Under these circumstances, the initial stage of the project would require the supply of approximately 12 petajoules per…

Santos Acquires Cultus Petroleum – Amadeus and Bass Basin Interests

Santos Ltd announces that it has agreed to acquire interests from Cultus Petroleum and its associated companies in the Amadeus and Bass Basins, effective 1 December 1996. This is a modest acquisition which complements Santos existing interests in the Palm Valley and Dingo gas fields in the Amadeus Basin and provides an interest in Yolla…

1996 Fourth Quarter Report

1996 FOURTH QUARTER REPORT Fourth Quarter Highlights The following results were achieved compared with the 1995 fourth quarter: Sales revenue increased by 24.4% to $207.2m (a record level of quarterly revenue) Sales volumes increased by 10.0% to 9.9 million boe (fourth quarter record) Production volume increased by 8.8% to 9.8 million boe (fourth quarter record)…

Moody’s Investors Service Announces Santos Debt Rating Upgrade

    MOODY’S INVESTORS SERVICE ANNOUNCES SANTOS DEBT RATING UPGRADE Santos announces that Moody’s Investors Service has upgraded Santos Finance Limited’s commercial paper rating from Prime-3 to Prime-2. Santos Finance Limited is a wholly owned and guaranteed subsidiary of Santos Limited. This follows Standard & Poor’s recent report which maintains Santos’ long term debt rating…

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