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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

Raven 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator on behalf of the Patchawarra Southwest Block Joint Venture Parties, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The block gas exploration well, Raven 1, flowed gas at 254,900 cubic metres per day (9.0 million cubic feet per day) with 56 API…

Mica 1 – New Gas Field Discovery

  MICA 1 NEW GAS FIELD DISCOVERY   Santos Ltd, as Operator on behalf of the Patchawarra Southwest Block Joint Venture Parities, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the Cooper/Eromanga Basins.   The block gas exploration well, Mica 1, flowed gas at 182,300 cubic metres per day (6.44 million cubic feet per…

Moonanga 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Patchawarra South West Block Joint Venture Parties, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Moonanga 1, flowed gas at 263,360 cubic metres per day (9.3 million cubic feet per day) accompanied by 55.8 API condensate at…

Verona 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Patchawarra East Block Joint Venture Parties, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Verona 1, flowed gas at 148,650 cubic metres per day (5.25 million cubic feet per day) accompanied by 49.6 API condensate at 1.6…

John Brookes 1/ST 1

Santos Limited announces a gas discovery from the John Brookes 1/ST-1 exploration well in permit WA-214-P located in the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia. Drill Stem Test No.1 was conducted with the purpose of determining the hydrocarbon water contact as well as determining reservoir flow characteristics. These objectives have been met. A gas flow of 453,000…

Welcome Lake East 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator on behalf of the Patchawarra Southwest Block Joint Venture Parties, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian sector of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The block gas exploration well, Welcome Lake East 1, flowed gas at 103,600 cubic metres per day (3.66 million cubic feet per day) with…

WA-214-P John Brookes-1/ST-1

Santos Ltd reports that the John Brookes-1/ST-1 exploration well in permit WA-214-P located in the Carnarvon Basin is currently logging at a depth of 3355 metres having logged previously at 3042 metres. Progress for the week is 313m. Preliminary interpretation of the first run of wireline logs and related core and pressure data indicates the…

Victorian Gas Situation

Victorian Gas Situation In response to media queries, Santos Ltd confirms that gas from the South Australian Cooper Basin is being supplied by AGL to Victorian retailer Energy 21 through the interconnection recently completed between NSW and Victoria. Supply of gas to Victoria commenced on Friday 25 September 1998. Commenting, Santos Managing Director Mr Ross…

Ewing Bank 994 #1 Oil Discovery

EWING BANK 994 #1 OIL DISCOVERY Santos Ltd announces today that its USA subsidiary, Santos USA Corporation, has encountered an estimated 185 net feet (true vertical depth) of oil pay in three separate zones between 7,133 and 12,956 feet (measured depth) in Ewing Bank Block 994. The Ewing Bank 944 # 1 well is located…

Moolion North 1

MOOLION NORTH 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Patchawarra East Block, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Moolion North 1, flowed gas at 252,000 cubic metres per day (8.9 million cubic feet per day) from reservoir sands in the Early…

Santos Interim Profit

Santos today announced an after tax profit for the 1998 first half of $84.2 million, a decrease of 17.7% on the 1997 first half result of $102.3 million. The result reflects a reduction in the price of crude oil, mitigated by solid operational performance. Production volumes for the first half of 1998 increased by 5.5%…

Shiraz 1

Santos Ltd, as Operator on behalf of the Moomba Block Joint Venture Parties announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian sector of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Shiraz 1, flowed gas at 85,000 cubic metres per day (3.0 million cubic feet per day) from reservoir sands in the Early…

Increased Production from Elang and Stag Oil Fields

Increased Production from Elang and Stag Oil Fields On 31 July 1998, Santos released its 1998 Second Quarter Report and provided details of the forecast oil production from the Elang/Kakatua and Stag oil fields. Further to that announcement, Santos advises the following progress on achieving the outcomes forecast on 31 July 1998: Elang/Kakatua/Kakatua North Total…

Sale of Santos Europe Ltd

Santos Ltd announces that an agreement has been entered into with Petrobras UK Limited for the sale of Santos Europe Ltd. The effective date of the sale is 1 January 1998 and, subject to customary regulatory approval, settlement will take place on 30 June 1998. The net value of the sale to the Santos Group,…

UK Petroleum Assets

In response to a media report that Santos has agreed to sell its UK petroleum assets, Santos Ltd advises that the sale process is proceeding in accordance with the timing outlined in its announcement of 15 January, 1998. This indicated that the sale process was expected to be concluded approximately mid year. The Company will…

Cabernet 1

CABERNET 1 Santos Ltd, as Operator for the Murta Block, announces the discovery of a new gas field in the South Australian section of the Cooper/Eromanga Basins. The exploration well, Cabernet 1 flowed gas at 345,500 cubic metres per day (12.2 million cubic feet per day) from a portion of the reservoir sands in the…

East Spar Gas to Supply Kwinana Ammonia Project

East Spar Gas to Supply Kwinana Ammonia Project Santos today announced that the participants in the East Spar Joint Venture (ESJV) had concluded an agreement for the supply of gas to Wesfarmers CSBP Limited (CSBP) for its new Kwinana Ammonia Project. The project is for a 650 tonne per day ammonia plant being constructed at…

Commencement of Production from SE Gobe

COMMENCEMENT OF PRODUCTION FROM SE GOBE Santos Limited today announced that crude oil has begun to flow from the SE Gobe field 17 months after the issue of the Petroleum Development Licence (PDL) and 15 months after the commencement of construction. The project has been completed three months ahead of schedule and below budget. It…

First Gas to Mt Isa

First Gas to Mt Isa On behalf of the South West Queensland Unit Producers (Producers), Santos announces that sales of gas have commenced to MIM Holdings Limited for generation of power at the Mica Creek Power Station at Mount Isa. The gas is being supplied under a 15 year contract (announced in July 1996) which…

Acquisition of Gulf Australian Hydrocarbons Limited

ACQUISITION OF GULF AUSTRALIAN HYDROCARBONS LIMITED Santos Ltd announced today that it has purchased Gulf Australian Hydrocarbons Limited from Gulf Australia Resources Limited. The interests of Gulf Australian Hydrocarbons Limited include a 1.2% interest in the South West Queensland Gas Project and related interests in Authority to Prospect 259P. The acquisition of these interests will…

Santos to Increase Gulf of Mexico Position

Santos USA Corporation announced today that it was the high bidder on 6 blocks in the Central Gulf of Mexico following bidding in the US Offshore Continental Shelf Lease Sale No. 169 which was conducted by the US Federal Government on 18 March 1998. The award is subject to the US Minerals Management Service determining…

Record Year for Queensland Gas Exploration

Santos Limited announced today that record 1997 gas discoveries in Queensland by the company and its joint venturers now give the parties in Queensland very significant uncommitted gas available for sale. The increased gas reserves, mostly located in South West Queensland, resulted from an exploration program of 35 wells, costing the joint venturers a total…

Darwin Shelf Acreage Award

Darwin Shelf Acreage Award Santos announces that a study group, of which it is the operator, has been offered an exploration permit covering acreage gazettal area NT/97-1, located in the Bonaparte Gulf, approximately 240 km north-west of Darwin. The acreage awarded arises from bids lodged in response to the acreage gazettal closing October 1997. The…

Offers Sought for Oil and Gas Interests in United Kingdom

Santos Ltd announced today that it intends to seek offers for the purchase of the groups oil and gas interests in the United Kingdom. The interests include up to: 32.8% in Anglia (a producing gas field) 2.9% in Pierce (oil fields under development 1.8% in Banff for production in 1998) 13.3% in Block 22/22c (includes…

Farmout of Permit WA-209-P

Farmout of Permit WA-209-P Santos announces that it has reached agreement to farmout 18.166% of its interest in Carnarvon Basin exploration permit WA-209-P, to co-venturers Apache (Operator) and Globex Far East. This will reduce Santos equity in the permit from 54.166% to 36.00%. The terms and conditions of the farmout involve a full carry of…

Santos Gas Sale to Incitec

Santos Ltd announced today that it has concluded a contract with Incitec Ltd for supply of its gas requirements at three plants in New South Wales. The major plant being supplied is the fertiliser production plant at Newcastle. The contract will commence from January 1998. Incitec is one of the largest consumers of gas in…

Oil Facility Fire

A fire occurred this morning at the Watson Oil Facility, 60 km south of Jackson, in South West Queensland. This is a Naccowlah Block facility. The incident occurred while work was being undertaken on oil storage tanks by contractors to Santos Ltd, Kadco (Australia) Pty Ltd. One employee of the contractor has died. Two others…

Indonesia Permit Award

INDONESIA PERMIT AWARD The Santos Group today announced that it has been awarded a 45% interest and Operator status in the Sampang Production Sharing Contract (PSC) in East Java, Indonesia. The Sampang PSC is located immediately offshore from Surabaya, Indonesia’s second-largest city, a major seaport and industrial centre The PSC contains a number of gas…

New Mereenie Gas Contract

Santos Group, as Operator for the Mereenie Joint Venture, announces that a new gas contract for 67.5 petajoules of gas was signed today between the Mereenie Producers and Gasgo Pty Limited, a subsidiary of the Northern Territory Power and Water Authority (PAWA). The contract is expected to be worth over $200 million to the Mereenie…

Approval of Kakatua North Development

APPROVAL OF KAKATUA NORTH DEVELOPMENT Santos announces that the Australia-Indonesia Joint Authority for the Timor Gap Zone of Cooperation has granted approval for the development of the Kakatua North oil field in ZOCA 91-12, approximately 500 km NW of Darwin. The field is located approximately 12 km west of the Elang oil field in 94…

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