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Barossa Gas Project: Learn more

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of members of Santos Limited was held on Thursday, 6 April 2023 at 10:00am (Adelaide time).

You can view the Chair’s and CEO’s addresses here
You can view the 2023 Santos AGM Results here
Watch the full recording here

2023 Santos Annual General Meeting update

Santos has sincerely apologised to Major Moogy Sumner for the use of his image in our 2023 AGM video.

We have taken steps to improve our internal processes to prevent the use of his image going forward.

Barossa project response:

In response to the question if Santos is complying with the Underwater Cultural Heritage Act of 2018 along the Barossa pipeline route, Santos clarifies that we are complying with a Direction from NOPSEMA to undertake an assessment to identify any underwater cultural heritage places to which people, in accordance with Indigenous tradition, may have spiritual and cultural connections that may be affected by the future activities.

Narrabri Gas Project response:

Response 1

In response to the question about responding to bushfires in the Pilliga, Santos refers to its submission to the Independent Planning Commission in 2020 which stated, “there is no obligation or expectation that NSW Rural Fire Service or Forestry Corporation of NSW firefighters will be required to protect Project infrastructure in the event of a fire.”

More detailed information relevant to the question can be found here.

Response 2

In response to a question about remediating a spill zone, Santos advises there have been no reportable environmental incidents within the NSW operations since 2012. A produced water spill occurred in 2011 at Bibblewindi under the former operator, Eastern Star Gas. Following the report of this incident, Santos shut down all operations relating to Eastern Star Gas and reported it to the relevant regulator. Santos has undertaken extensive rehabilitation (see images below) based on the approved Rehabilitation Strategy, including through periods of drought. Ongoing independent ecological assessments of this site have concluded the site is demonstrating good ecological diversity, is well progressed towards meeting all performance criteria including maintaining self-sustaining vegetation community.

2013 before any remediation